In Blow to Gardner & Trump, Federal Judge Reinstates Methane Limits Modeled After Hickenlooper’s Colorado “Gold Standard” - John Hickenlooper for U.S. Senate

In Blow to Gardner & Trump, Federal Judge Reinstates Methane Limits Modeled After Hickenlooper’s Colorado “Gold Standard”

Late yesterday, a federal judge reinstated federal limits on methane emissions modeled after the “gold standard” that John Hickenlooper first implemented in Colorado. President Trump tried to roll back the standards after the U.S. Senate refused to overturn the rule — despite Senator Cory Gardner’s vote against the pollution limits. 

John Hickenlooper released the following statement:

“In Colorado, we brought people together to pass limits on methane emissions that President Obama implemented nationwide. Even the Republican U.S. Senate refused to roll back those pollution limits, but Senator Gardner voted against our clean air and President Trump tried to unravel the standards anyway.

“This ruling is fantastic news for our clean air and the fight against climate change. We need to keep building on what we did in Colorado, but it’s clear that fighting climate change won’t be a priority in Washington until we defeat Donald Trump and Cory Gardner this November.”

In the U.S. Senate, John will work to transition to a 100% clean energy economy with net-zero emissions. Read his plan to fight climate change HERE.