Hickenlooper to Gardner: Stand Up to Your Party & Stop Lawsuit to End Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions - John Hickenlooper for U.S. Senate

Hickenlooper to Gardner: Stand Up to Your Party & Stop Lawsuit to End Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions

Trump Administration’s U.S. Supreme Court Brief Says Gardner’s 2017 Tax Bill Made ACA Unconstitutional

Late last night the Trump administration filed a brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act, arguing that the GOP’s 2017 tax bill made the entire law — including its protections for people with pre-existing conditions — unconstitutional. 

Senator Cory Gardner, who pushed his party to pass the tax bill after they failed to repeal the ACA, agrees that the health care law is unconstitutional. Today, John Hickenlooper released the following statement calling on Gardner to stand up to the Republican attacks on Coloradans’ health care:

“Coloradans know that Senator Gardner has been trying to overturn the Affordable Care Act for a decade. But Senator Gardner also promised to stand up to his party when they’re wrong, and ripping health care away from millions in the middle of a pandemic and economic crisis is certainly a moment to speak out. 

“Senator Gardner says he has President Trump’s ear. Now he has a chance to finally do the right thing and stop this unconscionable lawsuit. Stand up for Coloradans instead of Trump and your wealthy donors, Senator Gardner. Stop playing politics with lives.”
