New Ad: Which Cory Gardner is Going to Show up to the Debates? - John Hickenlooper for U.S. Senate

New Ad: Which Cory Gardner is Going to Show up to the Debates?

The day of the first presidential debate and ahead of Colorado’s Senate debates, Hickenlooper for Colorado released a new TV ad titled “Which Guy.” The ad, set at a debate between John Hickenlooper and two Cardboard Corys, highlights Senator Cory Gardner’s attempts to deceive Coloradans about his record of siding with President Trump 100% in Washington where he’s voted nine times to gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions and rolled back environmental safeguards. 


I’m looking forward to the debates.  But which Cory Gardner is going to show up?

This Cory voted nine times to gut protections for pre-existing conditions.

This guy suddenly pretends he’s for them.

This Cory voted to roll back protections for air and water.

But he’s posing as an environmentalist.

This is the Cory Donald Trump said was with him 100%.

But this guy wants us to believe he’s independent.

I’m John Hickenlooper. I approve this message.

Maybe, we ought to just let Cory Gardner debate Cory Gardner.